How to Create High Quality Links to your Website

Content distribution is the new link building strategy now. Though the inbound link still works and is very popular, adding social and media coverage and guest posting will increase the page rank even higher. Content promotion has become vital. In order to rank your website higher in the SERPs, you need to have a good content distribution strategy. Here are three content distribution strategies that you can use to create high quality links to your website:

Guest Posting

It is more about building relationships than links. Guest post is something you write for other’s blog. It contains a section about the author, from where you can create link to your website. So, in exchange of your free content that you have given to the blogger, you get to increase the visibility of your website.

Media Coverage

Free publicity is a very good method of increasing your profile. You need to first select your target audience. YouTube video is a very effective way of spreading your profile. Writing a good press release can also work well. By doing so, you can include this on the news section of the website and create links. Winning an award is a great way to get publicity. You could engage in local charities to increase your publicity.

Social Media Links

Social media promotes your website. In order to increase the visibility of your website you must add social media buttons on your homepage. You can add twitter posts directly on your website if it’s relevant. Make sure you use the up to date social media buttons on your page. Use share button to make your website viral. Use the social media analytics to monitor the progress of your website in terms of number of visitors, etc.

Here’s a quick video with the exact link building that is getting the best results in 2015 and will continue to be very effective in 2016.